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Liana Ecology Project
Browse the liana article database below. Click on any publication title for more information. Use the search bar to find specific data or sort the table based on title, author, publication year or title, or keywords.
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Title | Author(s) | Publication Date | Publication Title | Key Words |
Interspecific anatomical differences result in similar highly flexible stems in Bignoniaceae lianas | Gerolamo, CS; Nogueira, A; Pace, MR; Angyalossy, V | 2020 | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY | anatomical architecture; bending stiffness; Bignonieae; cambial variant; forest disturbance; lianescent vascular syndrome; mechanical properties; plant anatomy; wood vines; Young� s modulus |
Temporal patterns of water flux in trees and lianas in a Panamanian moist forest | Phillips N; Oren R; Zimmermann R; Wright S | 1999 | Trees - Structure and Function | Capacitance Time lag Transpiration Xylem sap flux |
Edge effects in tropical forest fragments: Application of a model for the design of nature reserves | Laurance W | 1991 | Biological Conservation | edge effects |
Spatial associations between invasive tree lupin and populations of two katipo spiders at Kaitorete Spit New Zealand | Hetherington J; Wilson JB | 2014 | New Zealand Journal of Ecology | dune system; ecological niche; habitat;Latrodectus katipo; Lupinus arboreus; Steatoda capensis |
Edge effects on species composition and exotic species abundance in the North Carolina Piedmont | McDonald R; Urban D | 2006 | Biological Invasions | Ailanthus altissima corridors dispersal constraints edge effects exotic plants habitat fragmentation mass effects road effects |
Different biomechanical design and ecophysiological strategies in juveniles of two liana species with contrasting growth habit | YJ Chen F Bongers Jiaolin Zhang J Liu K Cao | 2014 | American Journal of Botany | cavitation resistance; drought tolerance; hydraulic conductivity; liana; life history; Rhamnaceae; trade-off; Ventilago calyculata ; water relations; Ziziphus attopensis |
Ethnobotany Availability and Use of Lianas by the Kaingang People in Suburban Forests in Southern Brazil | Guadagnin DL; Gravato IC | 2013 | Economic Botany | Lianas vines extractivism exploitation harvesting traditional uses indigenous people handicrafts non-timber forest products |
A dataset of Neotropical liana research focusing on the strategies of control for forest restoration and management practices | Vargas, BD; Grombone-Guaratini, MT; Morellato, LPC | 2022 | ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE | Seasonal Forest; Cerrado Woodland; Rain Forest; Climbers; Climate change; Conservation; Management; Woody vines |
The climbing habit in palms: Biomechanics of the cirrus and flagellum | Isnard S; Rowe N | 2008 | American Journal of Botany | Rattan palms Climbing plants Flagella (microbiology) Biomechanics Palms Fiber plants Arecoideae Biomechanics Calamoideae Cirrus Flagellum Grapnel Hooks Ratchet mechanism |
Wildfires cause shifts in liana community structure and liana-soil relationships in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana | Addo-Fordjour, P; Kadan, F; Rahmad, ZB; Fosu, D; Ofosu-Bamfo, B | 2020 | FOLIA GEOBOTANICA | environmental factors; fire disturbance; lianas; species distribution; soil properties |
Seed Size Variation of Trees and Lianas in a Tropical Forest of Southeast Asia: Allometry, Phylogeny, and Seed Trait-Plant Functional Trait Relationships | Pothasin, P; Paradis, E; Brockelman, WY; Nathalang, A; Khemrugka, T; Lomwong, N; Thripob, P; Saenprasert, R; Chanthorn, W | 2022 | FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE | functional traits; leaf toughness; plant height; seed dispersal; successional niche; seasonal tropical forest; liana; leaf trait |
Current situation and characterization of the Eurasian wild grapevine in Asturias region (Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula) | Loureiro, MD; Valle, JM; Ocete, R; L�pez, MA; Ocete, CA; Rodr�guez-Miranda, A; Mart�nez-Zapater, JM; Ib��ez, J | 2023 | VITIS | ampelography; ecology; microvinifications; parasitic spe; cies; SNP; Vitis vinifera ssp; sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi |
Liana density declined and basal area increased over 12 y in a subtropical montane forest in Argentina. | Ceballos, S. J., & Malizia, A. | 2017 | Journal | : basal area, density, disturbance, lianas, light-demanding species, permanent plot, shade-tolerance, yungas forests |
Population and genetic structure of the West African rain forest liana Ancistrocladus korupensis (Ancistrocladaceae) | Foster P; Sork V | 1997 | American Journal of Botany | allozymes electrophoresis lianas Cameroon conservation characteristics and seed dispersal patterns) of A. korupensis ; (2) quantifies patterns of genetic variation on species and subpopulation levels and fine-scale genetic structure; (3) describes variation in michellamine B content; and (4) makes conservation recommendations based on ecological and genetic data. Ecological data from 457 individuals from seven sites indicate that the A. korupensis population is dominated by canopy-climbing individuals. Population densities are low with values ranging from 2.5 to 12.9 individuals/ha. Reproduction data suggest limited seed dispersal episodic fruiting and no vegetative reproduction. Allozyme data indicate low genetic diversity with only 7.1% of the 14 loci polymorphic. Values for Hobs and He were 0.022 (_ 0.000 SE) and 0.041 (_ 0.000 SE) respectively. Wright\s F statistics analysis suggests that A. korupensis is highly inbred (FIS = 0.455) with moderate levels of subpopulation differentiation (FST = 0.1153). Michellamine B content was best predicted by leaf type but also showed a significant relationship for stage class. The occurrence of rare private alleles in most of the sites low overall population size and density and low availability of individuals for recruitment into the adult stage class are important considerations for the rational management of A. korupensis. |
The rise of sap in tall grapevines | Scholander P; Love W; Kanwisher J | 1955 | Plant Physiology | |
Water ascent in trees and lianas: the cohesion-tension theory revisited in the wake of Otto Renner | Bentrup, F. W. | 2017 | Journal | Cohesion-tension; water ascent; multi-force theory; xylem pressure; emboly repair; water satus online monitoring; Otto Renner; max planck |
Herpetofauna of Porto Walter and surrounding areas, southwest Amazonia, Brazil. | da Fonseca, W. L., da Silva, J. D., Abegg, A. D., da Rosa, C. M., & Bernarde, P. S. | 2019 | Herpetology Notes | Checklist, Amphibians, Reptiles, Frogs, Squamata, Snakes, Lizards |
Lianas abundance is positively related with the avian acoustic community in tropical dry forests. | Hilje, B., Stack, S., & Sánchez-Azofeifa, A. | 2017 | Journal | Bird species richness; acoustic index; forest biophysical properties; Costa Rica |
Foliar respiration and its temperature sensitivity in trees and lianas: in situ measurements in the upper canopy of a tropical forest | Slot M; Wright SJ; Kitajima K | 2013 | Tree Physiology | canopy crane carbon balance climate change lianas Panama respiration Q10 temperature response of respiration tropical forest |
Protection of Passiflora glandulosa (Passifloraceae) against herbivory: Impact of ants exploiting extrafloral nectaries | Labeyrie E; Pascal L; Delabie J; Orivel J; Dejean A; Hossaert-Mckey M | 2001 | Sociobiology | French Guiana Passiflora ants lianas |
Damage and shade enhance climbing and promote associational resistance in a climbing plant | Gonzalez-Teuber M; Gianoli E | 2008 | Journal of Ecology | Arid region flora/Chile Convolvulus chilensis Climbing plants Plants/Disease and pest resistance |
Tolerance to herbivory and not resistance may explain differential success of invasive naturalized and native North American temperate vines | Ashton I; Lerdau M | 2008 | Diversity and Distributions | |
Major trends in stem anatomy and growth forms in the perianth-bearing Piperales with special focus on Aristolochia | Wagner Sarah T.; Hesse Linnea; Isnard Sandrine; Samain Marie-Stéphanie; Bolin Jay | 2014 | Annals of Botany | Stem Anatomy |
Lianas research in the Neotropics: overview, interaction with trees, and future perspectives | Vargas, BD; Grombone-Guaratini, MT; Morellato, LPC | 2021 | TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION | Biomass; Climber; Climate change; Ecological restoration; Management; Tropical forest |
Aspectos biológicos de Terpsis quadrivittata Champion, 1893 (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Mesomphaliini) en el Parque Nacional Altos de Campana, Provincia de Panamá Oeste, Panamá. | Murgas, A. S., Abrego, J., & Garay, A. L. | 2019 | Journal | Huevos, larvas, pupas, adulto, escarabajo, ciclo de vida |
Structure of the secondary xylem and development of a cambial variant in Serjania mexicana (Sapindaceae) | Rajput, KS; Gondaliya, AD; Moya, R | 2022 | IAWA JOURNAL | Cambial variant; liana; neo-formed vascular cylinders; perforated ray cells; successive cambia |
Long-term changes in liana abundance and forest dynamics in undisturbed Amazonian forests | Laurance WF; Andrade AS; Magrach A; Camargo JLC; Valsko JJ | 2014 | Ecological Society of America | Amazon; biomass; carbon storage; CO2 fertilization; forest disturbance; forest 50 dynamics; lianas; tree infestation; tree mortality; undisturbed forest; woody vines. |
The relative importance of local versus landscape variables on site occupancy in bats of the Brazilian Cerrado. | Mendes, P., Signorelli, L., & De Marco, P. | 2017 | Landscape ecology | Chiroptera; habitat fragmentation; habitat loss; habitat suitability; scale; species; distribution models; tropical savannas |
Liana abundance patterns: the role of ecological filters during development | Nogueira A; Costa FRC; Castilho CV | 2011 | Biotropica | Amazonia; Brazil; palms; soil characteristics; spatial dependence; terra firme; vegetation structure |
Woody invaders are more highly colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi than congeneric native species | Lamit, LJ; Giovati, AS; Jo, I; Frank, DA; Fridley, JD | 2022 | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY | arbuscular mycorrhiza; Celastrus; eastern North America; Frangula; invasive species; liana; Lonicera; shrub |
Life form and Biological Spectrum of Morni Hills, Panchkula, Haryana. | Balkrishna, A., Joshi, B., Srivastava, A., Shukla, B. K., Patel, S., & Prajapati, U. B. | 2018 | Journal | Biological spectrum, life-form, Morni Hills, Panchkula, Haryana. |
The flora of Penikese Island Massachusetts: The fifth survey (1998-1999) with emphasis on the woody vegetation. | Backus R; Polloni P; Reid B; Somers P; Hendrickson T | 2002 | Rhodora | Plant Sciences; PLANTS; alien species; Juniperas virginiana; Penikese Island; prescribed burns; rare species; red cedar; woody vegetation; COUNTY |
General herbivore outbreak following an El Niv±o-related drought in a lowland Panamanian forest | van Bael S; Aiello A; A V; Medianero E; Samaniego M; Wright S | 2004 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | Canopy Defoliation Drought El Niv±o Southern Oscillation Herbivory Lepidoptera Outbreak Panama Seasonally dry tropical forest |
Historical reconstruction of a relictual population of wild grapevines (Vitis vinifera SSP sylvestris Gmelin Hegi) in a floodplain forest of the upper Seine valley France | Arnold C; Schnitzler A; Parisot C; Maurin A | 2010 | River Research and Applications | wild grapevine Seine valley alluvial forest conservation biology |
Greater morphological plasticity of exotic honeysuckle species may make them better invaders than native species | Schweitzer J; Larson K | 1999 | Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society | Caprifolicaeae Exotic species Honeysuckle Invasiveness Lonicera Morphological plasticity Plant foraging |
Elevation patterns of woody taxa richness in the evergreen Afromontane vegetation of Ethiopia. | Berhanu, A., Woldu, Z., & Demissew, S. | 2017 | Journal | Plant elevational distribution;
Trees |
Behavioral and economic traits reflect distinct resource acquisition strategies in tendril vines and stem twining vines | Bai, H; Ji, YZ; Wang, XQ; Liu, Z; Zhou, Z; Yue, M; Guo, YX | 2024 | ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION | climbing mechanism; ecological difference; plant economic spectrum; resource acquisition; vines |
Increased clonal growth in heavily harvested ecosystems failed to rescue ayahuasca lianas from decline in the Peruvian Amazon rainforest | Coe, MA; Gaoue, OG | 2023 | JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY | ayahuasca; Banisteriopsis caapi; integral projection model; liana; LTRE; non-timber forest products harvest; plant population dynamics; transient dynamics |
Composición de lianas y bejucos en el Chocó Biogeográfico Colombiano | Bonilla D.A; Tapia A. L; Palacios-Tello L.Y; | 2015 | Rodriguésia | Presence-absence similarity Bignoniaceae climbing diversity. |
The movements and habits of climbing plants | Darwin C | 1865 | Journal of the Linnaen Society | vines lianas |
How do lianas and trees change their vascular strategy in seasonal versus rain forest?. | Dias, A. S., Oliveira, R. S., Martins, F. R., Bongers, F., Anten, N. P., & Sterck, F. | 2019 | Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics | Tropical forests; Functional traits; Plant hydraulics; Wood density; Xylem structure and function; Cambial variant |
Change in liana density over 30 years in a Bornean rain forest supports the escape hypothesis | Newbery, DM; Zahnd, C | 2021 | ECOSPHERE | branch shedding; Dipterocarpaceae; forest succession; liana density and loss; story structure; tree survival and growth |
Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Fern Thickets and Vine-Laden Forests in the Landscape of Bornean Logged-Over Tropical Secondary Rainforests | Takeshige, R; Onishi, M; Aoyagi, R; Sawada, Y; Imai, N; Ong, R; Kitayama, K | 2022 | REMOTE SENSING | arrested succession; climbing bamboo; forest degradation; GLCM texture; liana; Landsat-8; resilience; Sentinel-1; UAV; XGBoost |
Within-tree distribution of nest sites and foraging areas of ants on canopy trees in a tropical rainforest in Borneo | Tanaka O; Yamane S; Itioka T | 2010 | Population Ecology | Arboreal ant assemblages Diel change in species composition Environmental heterogeneity Habitat selection SE Asian tropics Spatial partitioning |
Evergreen ivy vines as a key element maintaining the high diversity of birds wintering in Central European forests | Kajtoch, L; Grzedzicka, E; Piechnik, L; Wyka, J; Leso, P | 2023 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT | Aves; Biodiversity; Hedera helix; Microhabitats; Phylogenetic diversity; Temperate forests |
Lianas vs. trees | Putz F | 1980 | Biotropica | lianas palms climbing buttress roots |
On censusing lianas: a review of common methodologies | Parren MPE; Bongers F; Nabe-Nielsen J; Schnitzer SA | 2005 | Journal | |
Unique competitive effects of lianas and trees in a tropical forest understory | Wright A; Tobin M; Mangan S; Schnitzer SA | 2015 | Oecologia | Procedural control Community composition Global change Seedling regeneration Aboveground competition |
A protocol for measuring abundance and size of a neotropical liana Desmoncus polyacanthos (Palmae) in relation to forest structure | Troy A; Ashton P; Larson B | 1997 | Economic Botany | |
Biodiversity and population density of woody species in a tropical evergreen forest in Courtallum reserve forest Western Ghats India | Parthasarathy N; Karthikeyan R | 1997 | Tropical Ecology | |
Root Pressure of Tropical Lianas and Their Relationships with Phylogeny and Environments | Hua-Fang W; Shi-Jian Y; Jiao-Lin Z; ; | 2015 | Plant Diversity | Environmental factor Liana Phylogeny Root pressure Tropical rainforest |
Trees as islands: canopy ant species richness increases with the size of liana-free trees in a Neotropical forest | Adams BJ; Schnitzer SA; Yanoviak SP | 2016 | Ecography | |
Systematic anatomy and ontogeny of the stem in Passifloraceae | Ayensu ES; Stern WC. | 1964 | Contributions from the United States National Herbarium | |
Two Co-occurring Liana Species Strongly Differ in Their Hydraulic Traits in a Water-Limited Neotropical Forest | Coppieters, K; Verbeeck, H; Dequeker, S; Powers, JS; Vargas, GG; Smith-Martin, CM; Steppe, K; Meunier, F | 2022 | FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE | drought tolerance; lianas; tropical dry forest; vulnerability to embolism; optical vulnerability; acoustic vulnerability |
Lianas rapidly colonize early stages of tropical forests, presumably through leaf trait diversification | Mumbanza, FM; Bauters, M; Makelele, I; Meunier, F; Kearsley, E; Boeckx, P; Verheyen, K; Ewango, C; Mbula, IM; Lubini, CA; Verbeeck, H | 2022 | JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE | community assembly; forest structure; functional composition; lianas; secondary forest succession; Yoko forest reserve |
Saving the Last Endemic-Church Forests in Ethiopia: The Case of Lake Tana Biosphere Reserve | Kassahun, T; Bender, S | 2019 | HANDBOOK OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND BIODIVERSITY | |
Treefall gaps and the maintenance of species diversity in a tropical forest | Schnitzer SA; Carson WP | 2001 | Ecology | 43% of the woody plant species on BCI and in other forests our results are likely to be broadly applicable and suggest that gaps play a strong role in the maintenance of woody species diversity. |
Liana cutting in selectively logged forests increases both carbon sequestration and timber yields | Putz, FE; Cayetano, DT; Belair, EP; Ellis, PW; Roopsind, A; Griscom, BW; Finlayson, C; Finkral, A; Cho, PP; Romero, C | 2023 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT | Climate smart forestry; Climbing plants; Forest carbon offsets; Global climate change; Natural climate solutions; Silviculture; Sustainability |
Tree species vary widely in their tolerance for liana infestation: A case study of differential host response to generalist parasites | Visser MD; Schnitzer SA; Muller-Landau HC; Jongejans E; de Kroon H | 2017 | Journal of Ecology | |
The extraction of rattan-like lianas in the new world tropics: a possible prototype for sustainable forest management | Whitehead B; Godoy R | 1991 | Agroforestry Systems | Bio-diversity Rattan Smallholders Neotropics Furniture Liana extraction Environmentally sustainable development Non-timber forest products |
How liana loads alter tree allometry in tropical forests | Dias A.S.; Santos K.; Santos F. A. M.; Martins F. R. | 2017 | Plant Ecology | Lianas Plant architecture Tropical forests Tree allometry Liana-tree competition Wood density |
Anatomia da madeira de Mimosa catharinensis Burkart (Leguminosae–Mimosoideae) | de Deus Medeiros, J., & Stefani, M. R | 2018 | Biotemas | Endemismo; Mata Atlântica; Restinga |
Photosynthetic acclimation of the liana Stigmaphyllon lindenianum to light changes in a tropical dry forest canopy | Avalos G; Mulkey S | 1999 | Oecologia | Light acclimation Canopy ecology Lianas Phenotypic plasticity Tropical dry forest |
Silvicultural treatments enhance growth rates of future crop trees in a tropical dry forest | Villegas Z; Pena-Claros M; Mostacedo B; Alarcon A; Licona J; Leano C; Pariona W; Choquea U | 2009 | Forest Ecology and Management | Bolivia Future crop trees Sustainable forest management Silvicultural treatments Tropical dry forest |
Variations in leaf stomatal density and distribution of 53 vine species in Japan | Tay A-C; Furukawa A | 2008 | Plant Species Biology | Abaxial leaf surface Adaxial leaf surface Climbing Creeping Epidermal cell Liana |
Diet and feeding ecology of the western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) in a tropical forest fragment of Northeast India. | Borah, M., Devi, A., & Kumar, A. | 2018 | Primates | Forest fragmentation;
Dietary proportions;
Feeding behavior;
Frugivorous diet;
Food preference;
Hoolock gibbon |
Fine tuning the circumscription of Fridericia (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) | Kaehler, M; Michelangeli, FA; Lohmann, LG | 2019 | TAXON | Arrabidaea; Bignonieae; lianas; molecular systematics; monophyly testing; Neotropical flora |
Revision of Tinospora (Menispermaceae- Chasmantheroideae- Burasaieae) in Singapore | Turner, IM | 2023 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TAXONOMY | Christmas Island; climbers; dioecy; lianas; Malesia |
Liana diversity abundance and mortality in a tropical wet forest in Costa Rica | Mascaro J; Schnitzer SA; Carson WP | 2004 | Forest Ecology and Management | lianas La Selva |
Intraspecific variation in leaf life span for the semi-evergreen liana Akebia trifoliata is caused by both seasonal and aseasonal factors in a temperate forest | Koyama K; Kikuzawa K | 2008 | Journal of Ecology and Field Biology | Akebia trifoliata; Leaf demography; Leaf lifespan; Leaf phenology; Liana; Phenotypic plasticity; Semi-evergreen |
Factors limiting climber distribution and abundance in a southern African forest | Balfour D; Bond W | 1993 | Journal of Ecology | Liana Limiting factor Altitudinal distribution Ecological abundance Morphology Rain forests Population density Nitrogen Cape Province South Africa Africa Nutrient Environmental factor Climate |
Small mammals in high fragmented landscape in Cerrado/ Atlantic Forest ecotone, Southeastern Brazil | Machado, FS; Moura, AS; Mariano, RF; dos Santos, RM; Garcia, PO; Oliveira, IRC; Fontes, MAL | 2021 | IHERINGIA SERIE ZOOLOGIA | Endangered fragments; rodent and marsupial community; Management of small fragments |
The vulnerability to drought-induced embolism-conduit diameter link: breaching the anatomy-physiology divide | Olson, ME; Pace, MR; Anfodillo, T | 2023 | IAWA JOURNAL | Adaptation; drought-induced embolism; natural selection; vulnerability-diameter link; xylem evolution; xylem vulnerability to embolism |
Effect of three species of climber on the performance of Ceiba pentandra seedlings in gaps in a tropical forest in Ghana | Toledo-Aceves T; Swaine M | 2007 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | allometry Centrosema pubescens Combretum racemosum competition Dioscorea praehensilis liana regeneration |
A new species of Thinouia (Paullinieae, Sapindaceae) from the Amazon and its phylogenetic placement | Medeiros, H; Lopes, JD; Acevedo-Rodr�guez, P; Forzza, RC | 2020 | PHYTOKEYS | Allosanthus; Amazonia; Brazil; lianas; neotropical biodiversity; Paulliniodae; Paullinieae; Sapindales; Sap-indaceae; taxonomy; Thinouia |
Plant diversity on islands in the Anthropocene: Integrating the effects of the theory of island biogeography and human activities | Liu, JL; Liu, TT; Zhou, YY; Chen, Y; Lu, LJ; Jin, XJ; Hu, RY; Zhang, YP; Zhang, YH | 2023 | BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY | Growth forms; Plant functional types; Island biogeography; Human disturbance; Habitat diversity; Biodiversity |
Do fragment size and edge effects predict carbon stocks in trees and lianas in tropical forests? | Magnago LFS; Magrach A; Barlow J; Schaefer CEGR; Laurance WF | 2017 | Functional Ecology | fragmentation |
Predicting liana crown location from stem diameter in three Panamanian lowland forests | Kurzel B; Schnitzer S; Carson W | 2006 | Biotropica | |
Influence of disturbance regime on liana species composition density and basal area in the tropical montane evergreen forests (sholas) of the Western Ghats India | Mohandass D; Davidar P; Somasundaram S; Vijayan L; Beng KC | 2015 | Tropical Ecology | |
The Campsis-Icterus association as a model system for avian nectar-robbery studies | Graves, GR | 2022 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | |
A Useful Pathway for Gnetum Planting Material Production: Effect of Exogenous Application of Auxin on Root and Shoot Expression of Gnetum Cuttings | Apollin, MF; Emile, M; Doungous, O; Joseph, H; Rodrigue, MPF; Cyrille, MPJ; Gustave, LL | 2024 | AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH | Gnetum; Rooting; Buds; Auxins; Propagator |
Diametric Growth of a Forest under Reduced-Impact Logging in the Eastern Region of the Brazilian Amazon | Flores, WM; Fran�a, I; dos Santos, GGA; Miranda, ID; Moraes, EFS; S�nchez, GH; Da Silva, SDB; Hern�ndez-Ruz, EJ | 2023 | LAND | periodic annual increment; phytophysiognomies; presence of lianas; crown shape; exposure to light; forest management |
Diurnal pattern of stomatal conductance in the large-leaved temperate liana Aristolochia macrophylla depends on spatial position within the leaf lamina | Miranda T; Ebner M; Traiser C; Roth-Nebelsick A | 2013 | Annals of Botany | Stomatal conductance heterogeneous stomatal conductance macrophyll leaf size leaf venation diurnal pattern stem water potential Aristolochia macrophylla |
Florisitic structure and biomass distribution of a tropical seasonal rainforest in Xishuangbanna southwest China | Shanmughavel P; Sha Z; Liqing S; Min C | 2001 | Biomass and Bioenergy | Tropical seasonal rain forests Forest community structure Tree species diversity Biomass production Biomass allocation Biomass tables |
Levantamento floristico das especies de ervas subarbustos lianas e hemiepifitas da mata da reserva da Cidade Universidade \\\"Armando de Salles Oliveira\\\" Sao Paulo SP Brasil | Groppo M; Pirani JR | 2005 | Boletim de Botanica da Universidade de Sao Paulo | loristics Sao Paulo City Sao Paulo State herbs subshrubs lianas hemi-epiphytes |
The Genetic and Environmental Adaptation of the Associated Liana Species Derris trifoliata Lour. (Leguminosae) in Mangroves | Zhang, Y; Xin, K; Liao, BW; Ai, XH; Sheng, N | 2021 | FORESTS | liana; SNP; genetic diversity; clonal diversity; mangrove; SLAF-seq |
Quantifying carbon stocks in shifting cultivation landscapes under divergent management scenarios relevant to REDD+. | Borah, J. R., Evans, K. L., & Edwards, D. P. | 2018 | Ecological Applications | carbon sequestration; fallow period; greenhouse gas emission; payments for ecosystem services; secondary forest regeneration; slash and burn |
Ecological relationships between lianas and trees in lowland rain forest in Sabah East Malaysia | Campbell E; Newberry DM | 1993 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | aggregation bole height lianas Malaysia tropical forests Sabah tree morphology Danum Valley |
Adaptación de una tabla de códigos de bocados para pequeños rumiantes ramoneando en una selva tropical caducifolia. | PECH, P. G. G., ACOSTA, J. F. D. J. T., & CASTRO, C. A. S. | 2018 | Journal | Feeding behaviour; direct observation; bite categories; sheep; goats; bite categories. |
Abundance and diversity of lianas in a Neotropical dry forest: the influence of soil moisture | Rodriguez-Quintero D; Gianoli E; | 2016 | Plant Ecology and Evolution | DISTRIBUTION; LIANAS; NEOTROPICAL DRY FOREST; SPECIES RICHNESS; TREES; WATER AVAILABILITY |
Carbon stocks in tropical forests decrease with liana density | Durán SM; Gianoli E | 2013 | Biology Letters | carbon storage global change liana abundance tree size tropical forests |
Vicia mingyueshanensis (Fabeae, Papilionoideae, Fabaceae), a new species from western Jiangxi, China | Xiao, ZY; Li, XC; Luo, Y; Zeng, CS; Qiu, BG; Cao, FL | 2021 | PHYTOKEYS | Flora of China; Leguminosae; new taxon; taxonomy; Vicia |
Patterns of liana community diversity and structure in a tropical rainforest reserve Ghana: effects of human disturbance | Addo-Fordjour P; Rahmad ZB; Amui J; Pinto C; Dwomoh M | 2013 | African Journal of Ecology | abundance anthropogenic disturbance diversity lianas structure tropical forest |
Diversidade e composivßv£o florv?stica da mata de tabuleiro na Reserva Florestal de Linhares (Espv?rito Santo Brasil) | Peixoto A; Gentry A | 1990 | Revta brasil. Bot. | species richness diversity Brazil lianas Atlantic forest |
Patterns in the diversity and distribution of epiphytes and vines in a New Zealand forest | Burns K; Dawson J | 2005 | Austral Ecology | lianas host association |
Liana abundance and relationships to sapling and tree hosts in an East African primary forest. | Laurentino, T. G., Baur, J., Usui, T., & Eichhorn, M. P. | 2019 | Journal | host; liana; primary forest; saplings;Uganda |
Vines of two Texan semi-arid desert communities: Floristic composition and ecological notes | Krings A | 2001 | Southwestern Naturalist | lianas |
The climbing Hydrangeas (Hydrangeaceae) of Mexico, including description of six (critically) endangered new species. | Samain, M. S., Najarro, F. H., & Salas, E. M. M. | 2019 | Journal | Conservación,dioicismo funcional,hortensia,lianas,Neotrópico,taxonomía |
Plant diversity in traditional fruit gardens (munaans) of Benuaq and Tunjung Dayaks tribes of West Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia | Ruslim, Y., Matius, P., Raharja, M., Tjwa, M., Jaya, S., Sapruddin, S., & Noor, S. | 2018 | B IO D I V E RS IT A S | Diversity indices, function, munaan, species richness, traditional fruit gardens |
Biomass allocation and photosynthetic responses of lianas and pioneer tree seedlings to light | Toledo-Aceves T; Swaine M | 2008 | Acta Oecologica | Acclimation; Biomass allocation; Growth; Photosynthesis; Plasticity; Shade tolerance; Woody climber |
Beautes fatales: Acanthaceae species as invasive alien plants on tropical Indo-Pacific Islands | Meyer J-Y; Lavergne C | 2004 | Diversity and Distribution | invasive species rain forests understory |
From lianas to glcobiology tools: Twenty-five years of 25-Dideoxy-25-imino-D-mannitol | Wrodnigg T | 2002 | Monatshefte fvºr Chemie/Chemical Monthly | 2-5-Dideoxy-2 -5-imino-D-mannitol Glycosidase inhibitors Iminosugars Iminoalditols glycosidase inhibitory activities |
Tree mortality due to an El Nino flood along the lower Tana River Kenya | Wieczkowski J | 2009 | African Journal of Ecology | El Niv±o; flood; primate food species; riverine forest; Tana River mangabey; tree mortality |
Lianas and their supporting plants in the understorey at Los Tuxtlas Mexico | Vleut I; Perez-Salicrup D | 2005 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | |
Flora da Reserva Ducke: Guia de identificacao de uma floresta de terra-firme na Amazonia Central | Ribeiro JELS; Hopkins MJG; Vicentini A; Sothers CA; Costa MAS | 1999 | ||
Leaf trait co- ordination in relation to construction cost carbon gain and resource-use efficiency in exotic invasive and native woody vine species | Osunkoya OO; Bayliss D; Panetta FD; Vivian-Smith G | 2010 | Annals of Botany | Construction cost leaf physico-chemical properties plant invasion photosynthesis resource-use efficiency specific leaf area woody vines Anredera Araujia Cardiospermum Macfadyena Pandorea Parsonsia |
The effect of altitude, patch size and disturbance on species richness and density of lianas in montane forest patches | Mohandass, D., Campbell, M. J., Hughes, A. C., Mammides, C., & Davidar, P. | 2017 | Journal | Climbing guilds; Dispersal mode; Liana abundance; Natural patches; Shade tolerance; Species-area relationships |
Medicinal plant use and conservation practices by communities in the Togo Plateau Forest Reserve, Ghana. | Dogor, G. K. F., Nyarko, R. A., Anning, A. K., & Oteng-Yeboah, A. | 2018 | Journal of Medicinal Plants Research | Medicinal plants, Togo Plateau forest reserve, plant diversity. |
Patterns of climber distribution in temperate forests of the Americas | Schnitzler A; Amigo J; Hale B; Schnitzler C | 2016 | Journal of Plant Ecology | standart protocol climber American forest life traits species richness bioclimatic indices |
Phylogeny of Paullinia L.(Paullinieae: Sapindaceae), a diverse genus of lianas with dynamic fruit evolution. | Chery, J. G., Acevedo-Rodríguez, P., Rothfels, C. J., & Specht, C. D. | 2019 | Journal | Guaraná; Microfluidic PCR; Single-copy nuclear markers; Stochastic character mapping; High-throughput sequencing |
Vertical stratification of leaf-beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in two forest types in Panama | Charles E; Basset Y | 2005 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | dry forests lianas species richness understory herbivory |
Tropical forest subjected to intensive post-logging silviculture maintains functionally diverse dung beetle communities | Cerullo, GR; Edwards, FA; Mills, SC; Edwards, DP | 2019 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT | REDD; Silviculture; Restoration; Biodiversity; Enrichment planting; Lianas; Sustainable forest management |
Liana allometric biomass equations for Amazonian primary and secondary forest | Gehring C; Park S; Denich M | 2004 | Forest Ecology and Management | lianas liana biomass leaf biomass diameter |
How do lianas and vines influence competitive differences and niche differences among tree species? Concepts and a case study in a tropical forest | Muller-Landau, HC; Visser, MD | 2019 | JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY | climbing plants; fitness differences; host-parasite interactions; modern coexistence theory; natural enemies; plant population and community dynamics; shade-tolerance; tree species coexistence |
Flora vascular de um remanescente de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, no município de Maringá, Paraná, Brasi | Garcia, L. M., Romagnolo, M. B., & de Souza, L. A. | 2017 | Revista em Agronegócio e Meio Ambiente | Angiospermas; diversidade; especies nativas; levantamento floristico |
Elephants versus butterflies: the ecological role of large herbivores in the evolutionary history of two tropical worlds | Cristoffer C; Peres C | 2003 | Journal of Biogeography | lianas vertebrate herbivory neotropics Paleotropics |
Quantifying the attachment strength of climbing plants: A new approach | Steinbrecher T; Danninger E; Harder D; Speck T; Kraft O; Schwaiger R | 2010 | Acta Biomaterialia | Climbing plantspermanent attachment attachment strength tensile testing |
Tropical vine growth and the effects on forest succession: A review of the ecology and management of tropical climbing plants | Gillian S; Yavitt J | 2010 | Botanical Review | Climbing Plants Forest Succession Interspecific Competition Lianas Tropical Forest Vines |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of lianas during 50 years of succession to temperate forest | Ladwig L; Meiners S | 2010 | Ecology | Buell-Small Succession Study (BSS); community and population dynamics; lianas; long- term data; Lonicera japonica; old-field succession; Parthenocissus quinquefolia; Piedmont region New Jersey USA; Toxicodendron radicans; Vitis spp. |
The climbing flora of New Caledonia: a comprehensive checklist | Isnard, S; Bruy, D | 2023 | BOTANY LETTERS | Checklist; climbing plants; climbing mechanism; endemism; functional traits; Island diversity; lianas; New Caledonia |
Plant community structure in tropical rain forest fragments of the Western Ghats India | Muthuramkumar S; Ayyappan N; Parthasarathy N; Mudappa D; Raman T; Selwyn M; Pragasan L | 2006 | Biotropica | Anamalai hills biodiversity hotspot disturbance endemics fragmentation lianas plant conservation tree diversity tropical rain forest understory plants |
Species composition of climbers in seasonal semideciduous forest fragments of Southeastern Brazil | Santos Karin; Kinoshita Luiza Sumiko; Rezende Andréia Alves | 2009 | Biota Neotropica | lianas climbing mechanism floristic similarity NMS |
Liana host preference and implications for deciduous forest regeneration | Ladwig LM; Meiners SJ | 2010 | The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society | Celastrus orbiculatus deciduous forests forest regeneration host preference lianas Lonicera japonica Parthenocissus quinquefolia Toxicodendron radicans Vitis |
Biodiversity Conservation with Special Reference to Medicinal Climbers: Present Scenario Challenges Strategies and Policies | Sharma S; Arya R | 2015 | Biotechnological strategies for the conservation of medicinal and ornamental climbers | Cryopreservation In situ IUCN In vitro Ex situ Micropropagation |
The impact of lianas on tree regeneration in tropical forest canopy gaps: evidence for an alternative pathway of gap-phase regeneration | Schnitzer SA; Dalling JW; Carson WP | 2000 | Journal of Ecology | lianas gap suppression BCI succession tropical forest regeneration |
Escape of juvenile Dioclea megacarpa vines from predators in a deciduous tropical forest | Janzen D | 1971 | American Naturalist | vines tropical forests |
Shedding of vines by the palms Welfia georgii and Iriartea gigantea | Rich P; Lum S; Munoz E; Quesada A | 1987 | Principes | vines lianas palms |
Comparative performance of invasive and native Celastrus species across environmental gradients | Leicht-Young SA; Silander JA; Latimer AM | 2007 | Oecologia | Celastrus orbiculatus Celastrus scandens congeners invasive species lianas phytometer plasticity transplant study |
Climbing plants in Ghanaian forests | Swaine M; Hawthorne W; Bongers F; Toledo Aceves M | 2005 | Journal | |
Floristic composition, pollination and seed-dispersal systems in a target cerrado conservation area | Borgiani, R; Grombone-Guaratini, MT; Vargas, BD; Martins, AE; Camargo, MGG; Morellato, LPC | 2022 | BIOTA NEOTROPICA | Brazilian savanna; hotspot; life form; functional traits |
Utilisation of climbers in two forests reserves in western Cote d\lvoire | Tra Bi H; N\ Kouame F; Traore D | 2005 | Journal | |
Primary lowland dipterocarp forest at Danum Valley Sabah Malaysia: structure relative abundance and family composition | Newbery D; Campbell E; Lee Y; Ridsdale C; Still M | 1992 | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B | permanent plots diversity dipterocarps Malaysia |
Time pattern variation of alien plant introductions in an insular biodiversity hotspot: the Balearic Islands as a case study for the Mediterranean region | Cerrato, MD; Cort�s-Fern�ndez, I; Ribas-Serra, A; Mir-Rossell�, PM; Cardona, C; Gil, L | 2023 | BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION | Alien flora; Insular ecology; Invasiveness; Mediterranean; Introduction pathway |
Taxonomic diversity of lianas and vines in forest fragments of southern Togo | Kokou K; Couteron P; Martin A; Caballe G | 2002 | Revue D Ecologie-La Terre Et La Vie | lianas vines species diversity forest fragments fragmentation |
Biological consequences of ecosystem fragmentation: a review | Saunders D; Hobbs R; Margules C | 1991 | Conservation Biology | fragmentation invasive species lianas |
Liana abundance tree crown infestation and tree regeneration ten years after liana cutting in a subtropical forest | Campanello PI; Villagra M; Garibaldi JF; Ritter LJ; Araujo JJ | 2012 | Forest Ecology and Management | Atlantic Forest Liana climbing mechanisms Liana dynamics Argentina Species richness |
Vegetative phenologies of lianas and trees in two Neotropical forests with contrasting rainfall regimes | Medina-Vega, JA; Wright, SJ; Bongers, F; Schnitzer, SA; Sterck, FJ | 2022 | NEW PHYTOLOGIST | canopy; lianas; light; Panama; phenology; seasonality; trees; water potential |
Micromechanics and anatomical changes during early ontogeny of two lianescent Aristolochia species | Kohler L; Speck T; Spatz H-C | 2000 | Planta | Aristolochia (stem biomechanics) biomechanics cellulose microfibril orientation lignin x-ray analysis |
CARACTERIZAÇÃO DA PRODUÇÃO DE SERAPILHEIRA E DA CHUVA DE SEMENTES EM UMA RESERVA DE FLORESTA ESTACIONAL SEMIDECIDUAL, PARANÁ. | Gonçalves Toscan, M. A., Bittencourt Guimarães, A. T., & Godinho Temponi, L. | 2017 | Ciência Florestal | organic matter; seed dispersal; zoochory |
Ecology and distribution of the Southeast Asian invasive liana Kudzu Pueraria lobata (Fabaceae) in Southern Switzerland | Gigon A; Pron S; Buholzer S | 2014 | EPPO Bulletin | |
Açaí as a driving force of rural development in the communities of the Amazon river estuary. In Embrapa Amapá-Resumo em anais de congresso (ALICE). | EULER, A., MOCHIUTTI, S., & RAMOS, C. | 2019 | Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira | Açaí;
Alimento Alternativo;
Economia Florestal |
Effects of post-felling silvicultural treatments on woody vines in Sarawak | Putz F; Lee H; Goh R | 1984 | Malaysian Forester | lianas BCI gaps vines tropical forests logging |
Do lianas shape ant communities in an early successional tropical forest? | Adams, B. J., Gora, E. M., van Breugel, M., Estrada‐Villegas, S., Schnitzer, S. A., Hall, J. S., & Yanoviak, S. P. | 2019 | Biotropica | Agua Salud, community structure, Formicidae, Panama, vines |
Are lianas increasing in importance in tropical forests? A 17-year record from Panamv° | Wright S; Calderon O; Hernandez A; Paton S | 2004 | Ecology | lianas BCI leaf litter seeds seedlings temporal fluctuations |
Comparative chloroplast genomics at low taxonomic levels: a case study using Amphilophium (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae). | Thode, V. A., & Lohmann, L. G. | 2019 | Frontiers in plant science | chloroplast genome, comparative genomics, neotropical lianas, NGS, plastome, species-level plastome evolution |
Lianas shift towards larger sizes and more acquisitive trait values in an Asian tropical rainforest | Liu, Q; Sterck, FJ; Zhang, JL; Poorter, L | 2024 | BIOTROPICA | climbers; demography ecosystem functioning; functional composition; functional traits; global change; liana community; plant-climate interactions; tropical forest |
Introducing tropical lianas in a vegetation model | Verbeeck H; De Deurwaerder H; Brugnera M; Krshna Moorthy Paravathi S; Pausenberger N | 2016 | COPERNICUS: EGU General Assembly 2016 | |
Disturbance as a driver of trait assembly in liana communities in a semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest | Villagra, M; Trentini, CP; di Francescantonio, D; Eleuterio, AA; Foletto, F; Montti, LF; Campanello, PI | 2021 | PLANT ECOLOGY | Climbing mechanism; Abundance; Functional diversity; Forest degradation; Freestanding lianas |
Diversidade florística e aspectos ecológicos de trepadeiras em unidades de conservação do centro-sul do Paraná, Brasil (Bachelor's thesis, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná). | Teixeira, G. G. M. | 2017 | Trepadeira;
Levantamentos florestais;
Áreas de conservação de recursos naturais;
Climbing plants;
Forest surveys;
Natural resources conservation areas | |
The Effects of Multi-Scale Climate Variability on Biodiversity Patterns of Chinese Evergreen Broad-Leaved Woody Plants: Growth Form Matters | Xu, Y; Shen, ZH; Zhang, JL; Zang, RG; Jiang, YX | 2021 | FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION | biodiversity patterns; climate variability; evergreen broadleaved woody plants; multi-scale; temporal |
Highlighting the plight of threatened lianas: Distribution, dynamics, and potential habitat areas of a critically endangered species | Song, SJ; Shen, JY; Zhou, SS; Guo, XM; Zhao, JC; Shi, XH; Yu, ZY; Gong, QB; You, SH; Landrein, S | 2022 | GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION | Eleutharrhena macrocarpa; Endangered lianas; Rainforest conservation; Maxent modeling; Age structure |
The family Marcgraviaceae in Paraíba State, Brazil. | MARTINSDE SOUZA, S. T. E. F. A. N. N. Y., GIRALDO-CAÑA, D. I. E. G. O., de Morais Rodrigues, E., & Miranda de Melo, J. I. | 2018 | Journal Caldasia | Marcgravia coriacea; Schwartzia brasiliensis; Souroubea guianensis; Ericales; noreste brasil |
Leaf litter production by lianes and trees in a sub-tropical Australian rain forest | Hegarty E | 1991 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | Australia Leaf Lianes Litterfall Production Rain forest Sub-tropical Succession Trees Vines |
Field water relations of three temperate vines | Bell D; Forseth I; Teramura A | 1988 | Oecologia | Water relations Vitis Parthenocissus Lonicera Xylemanatomy |
Liana Abundance Diversity and Distribution on Barro Colorado Island Panama | Schnitzer SA; Mangan SA; Dalling JW; Baldeck CA; Hubbell SP; Ledo A; Muller-Landau H; Tobin MF; Aguilar S; Brassfield D; Hernandez A; Lao S; Perez R; Valdez O; Yorke SR | 2012 | PLOS ONE | |
Liana cutting for restoring tropical forests: a rare palaeotropical trial | Marshall A.R; Coates M.A.; Archer J; Kivambe E; Mnendendo H | 2016 | African Journal of Ecology | biomass climber diversity forest degradation growth productivity |
Increasing Liana Abundance and Associated Reductions in Tree Growth in Secondary Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest | Becknell, JM; G., GV; Wright, LA; Woods, NF; Medvigy, D; Powers, JS | 2022 | FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE | liana abundance; seasonally dry tropical forest; tree growth; secondary forest; dendrometers |
Xylem structure and water transport in a twiner a scrambler and a shrub of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae) | Chiu S-T; Ewers F | 1992 | Trees | Xylem Water transport Loncera Hydraulic conductivity Vessel diamter |
Evidence for arrested succession in a liana-infested Amazonian forest | Tymen B; Réjou-Méchain M; Dalling J.W.; Fauset S; Feldpausch T.R | 2016 | Journal of Ecology | |
Liana loads and post-logging liana densities after liana cutting in a lowland forest in Bolivia | Alvira D; Putz F; Fredericksen T | 2004 | Forest Ecology and Management | Bolivia Lianas Tropical humid forest Tropical forest management Vines |
Parasitic plant, from inside out: endophytic development in Lathrophytum peckoltii (Balanophoraceae) in host liana roots from tribe Paullineae (Sapindaceae) | Pellissari, LCO; Teixeira-Costa, L; Ceccantini, G; Tamaio, N; Cardoso, LJT; Braga, JMA; Barros, CF | 2022 | ANNALS OF BOTANY | Balanophoraceae; endophyte; haustorium; holoparasite; Lathrophytum peckoltii Eichler; parasitic plant; plant development; Santalales; Sapindaceae; tribe Paullineae; woody vines |
Tropical forest subjected to intensive post-logging silviculture maintains functionally diverse dung beetle communities. | 2019 | Forest Ecology and Management | REDD+; Silviculture; Restoration; Biodiversity; Enrichment planting; Lianas; Sustainable forest management | |
Estimating nitrogen uptake of individual roots in container and field-grown plants using a N-15-depletion approach | Volder A; Anderson L; Smart D; Bloom A; Lakso A; Eissenstat D | 2009 | Functional Plant Biology | fine roots nitrate uptake nutrient uptake root age root diameter root function |
Development of allometric equations for estimating above-ground liana biomass in tropical primary and secondary forests Malaysia | Addo-Fordjour P; Rahmad ZB | 2013 | International Journal of Ecology | |
Towards extraction of lianas from terrestrial lidar scans of tropical forests. | Bao, Y., Moorthy, S., & Verbeeck, H. | 2018 | Journal | Vegetation;
Three-dimensional displays;
Laser radar;
Data mining;
Laser beams;
Classification algorithms |
Successional dynamics of woody seedling communities in wet tropical secondary forests | Capers R; Chazdon R; Brenes A; Alvarado B | 2005 | Journal of Ecology | secondary forest succession Chronosequence |
Comparative water relations of mature mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) trees with and without lianas in a subhumid seasonally dry forest in Bolivia | Barker M; Perez-Salicrup D | 2000 | Tree Physiology | lianas competition Water availability |
Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants used by Bulang people in Yunnan, China | Zhou, H; Zhang, JQ; Kirbis, BS; Mula, Z; Zhang, W; Kuang, YZ; Huang, Q; Yin, L | 2023 | JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY AND ETHNOMEDICINE | Bulang people; Ethnobotany; Medicinal plants; Bulang traditional medicine; Traditional dai medicine (TDM) |
Lianas in silico, ecological insights from a model of structural parasitism | Brugnera, MDE; Fischer, R; Taubert, F; Huth, A; Verbeeck, H | 2020 | ECOLOGICAL MODELLING | |
Life history traits of lianas during tropical forest succession | Letcher SG; Chazdon RL | 2012 | Biotropica | climbing mode Costa Rica dispersal mode lianas post-agricultural succession seed size seedlings tropical forest |
Size species and fire behavior predict tree and liana mortality from experimental burns in the Brazilian Amazon | Balch JK; Nepstad DC; Curran LM; Brando PM; Portela O | 2011 | Forest Ecology and Management | |
An Unlikely Beginning: A Fortunate Life | Bernays, E. A. | 2019 | Annual Review of Entomology | plant–insect interactions, host plant affiliation, diet breadth, autobiography |
Liana density declined and basal area increased over 12 y in a subtropical montane forest in Argentina | Ceballos SJ; Malizia A | 2017 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | |
Conifers Angiosperm Trees and Lianas: Growth Whole-Plant Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Stable Isotope Composition (d¹³C and d¹8O) of Seedlings Grown in a Tropical Environment | Cernusak LA; Winter K; Aranda J; Turner BL | 2008 | Plant Physiology | Plants Angiosperms Hardwood trees Woody vines Gymnosperms Transpiration Water use efficiency Leaves Water consumption Photosynthesis |
The allelopathic potential of kudzu (Pueraria montana) | Rashid MH; Asaeda T; Uddin MN | 2010 | Weed Science | Allelopathy litter decomposition phenolics seedling growth soil system |
Spatial distribution and floristic composition of trees and lianas in different forest types of an Amazonian rainforest | Macía MJ | 2011 | Plant Ecology | 60 km apart in Yasuní National Park Amazonian Ecuador. A total of 1087 species with a diameter at breast height = 2.5 cm were recorded in 25 0.1-ha plots. Tierra firme was the habitat with the highest number of species and stem density for trees and lianas followed by floodplain and swamp in both regions. Two hypotheses that have been independently proposed to describe plant distribution in tropical rain forests together explain species spatial distribution in this study. The fact that the 30 most important species per forest type (totalling 119 species) accounted for 48.2% of total individuals supports the oligarchy hypothesis. Likewise 28 out of these 119 species are reported as restricted to a single forest type which supports the environmental-determinism hypothesis. In general both canopy and understorey trees and lianas showed rather similar floristic patterns across different forest types and regions. |
Effect of Bush Fire on Plant Seedlings in the University of Port Harcourt Biodiversity Conservation Center, Nigeria. | Ekeke, C., & Ogazie, C. A. | 2017 | Journal | Understory species, density, diversity, bush fire, species abundance |
Leaf cuticular waxes of Tanaecium (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae): Chemical composition and taxonomic implications | Carvalho, JCS; Fraza, A; Lohmann, LG; Ferreira, MJP | 2021 | BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY | Tanaecium; Fridericia; Arrabidaea & Allies clade; Bignonieae; Cuticular wax; Chemophenetics |
Observations on the ecology of the muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides E. Geoffroy 1806): Implications for its conservation | Fonseca G | 1985 | Primate Conservation | |
Functional strategies and distribution of climbing plant communities in different vegetation patches in a subtropical dry forest, central Argentina | Ferrero, MC; Zeballos, SR; Whitworth-Hulse, JI; Giorgis, MA; Gurvich, DE | 2019 | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY | vines; functional traits; Chaco Serrano; climbing plant species richness; community weighted means |
Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on the liana diversity and need for conservation of resource valued species- Evidences from Indian tropical dry evergreen forests | Nath, S; Babu, KN; Dilshad, K; Dar, AA; Parthasarathy, N | 2022 | TAIWANIA | Conservation; density change; disturbance; permanent plots; re-inventory; resource values |
Climbers after logging: the case of Haut Sassandra | N\ Kouame F; Traore D; Bongers F; Poorter L | 2005 | Journal | |
Habitat-related error in estimating temperature from leaf margins in a humid a tropical forest | Burnham R; Pitman N; Johnson K; Wilf P | 2001 | American Journal of Botany | Amazonian Ecuador Leaf margin analysis Paleoclimate Paleoenvironment Paleotemperature Rv?o Tiputini Tropical forests Yasunv? National Park |
Vascular epiphyte assemblages in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest fragment: investigating the effect of host tree features | Dislich R; Mantovani W | 2016 | Plant Ecology | |
Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Amazonian Pachyptera (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) | Francisco, JNC; Lohmann, LG | 2020 | SYSTEMATIC BOTANY | Ancestral area reconstructions; coalescent approaches; haplotype networks; neotropics; species delimitation |
Hydraulic architecture of Monstera acuminata: evolutionary consequences of the hemiepiphytic growth form | Lopez-Portillo J; Ewers F; Angeles G; Fisher J | 2000 | New Phytologist | Araceae hemiepiphytes embolisms root pressure |
Rattan inventory: determining plot shape and size | Stockdale M; Wright H | 1996 | Tropical Rainforest Research - Current Issues | Palmae Calamoideae Plot sampling Cost efficiency Brunei Darussalam |
Variations in leaf functional traits among plant species grouped by growth and leaf types in Zhenjiang, China. | Wang, C., Zhou, J., Xiao, H., Liu, J., & Wang, L. | 2017 | Journal of forestry research, | Leaf functional traits;
Leaf shape index;
Leaf size;
Petiole length;
Specific leaf area |
Species density diverges after forest fragmentation in lianescent Machaerium Pers. (Fabaceae) in Central Amazonia | Piovesan, PRR; Burnham, RJ; Ferraz, IDK; Camargo, JLC | 2022 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT | Lianas; Machaerium; Edge effect; Forest ecology; Forest fragmentation |
Insights from a large-scale inventory in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. | Vibrans, A. C., Gasper, A. L. D., Moser, P., Oliveira, L. Z., Lingner, D. V., & Sevegnani, L. | 2020 | Scientia Agricola | forest attributes estimation; species richness; forest monitoring; systematic sampling; secondary forests |
The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications | Heinken, T; Diekmann, M; Liira, J; Orczewska, A; Schmidt, M; Brunet, J; Chytry, M; Chabrerie, O; Decocq, G; De Frenne, P; Drevojan, P; Dzwonko, Z; Ewald, J; Graae, BJ; Grytnes, JA; Hermy, M; Kriebitzsch, WU; Lenoir, J; Lindmo, S; Marage, D; Marozas, V; Niemeyer, T; Paal, J; Pysek, P; Roosaluste, E; S�dlo, J; Schamin�e, JHJ; Tyler, T; Verheyen, K; Wulf, M; Vanneste, T; Feilberg, J; Laivin, M | 2022 | JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE | biogeographical regions; boreal zone; expert knowledge; forest affinity; forest plant species; habitat shift; nemoral zone; species diversity; vascular flora; woodland |
Contrasting patterns of diversification between Amazonian and Atlantic forest clades of Neotropical lianas (Amphilophium, Bignonieae) inferred from plastid genomic data. | Thode, V. A., Sanmartín, I., & Lohmann, L. G. | 2019 | Molecular phylogenetics and evolution | Amazonia; Atlantic forest; Bayesian biogeography; High-through; put sequencing; Molecular dating; Phylogenomics |
Water relations of a tropical vine-like bamboo (Rhipidocladum racemiflorum): root pressures vulnerability to cavitation and seasonal changes in embolism | Cochard H; Ewers F; Tyree M | 1994 | Journal of Experimental Botany | |
Interspecific hybridizations between the native bittersweet Celastrus scandens and the introduced invasive species C. orbiculatus | Pooler MR; Dix RL; Feely J | 2002 | Southeastern Naturalist | |
Damage and herbivory tolerance through resprouting as an advantage of large seed size in tropical trees and lianas | Harms K; Dalling J | 1997 | Journal of Tropical Ecology | herbivory lianas resprouting seed size seedlings |
Spatial variation in the structure and litterfall of a Sumatran rain forest | van Schaik C; Mirmanto E | 1985 | Biotropica | litter tropical forests soil fertility lianas |
Changes in liana community structure and functional traits along a chronosequence of selective logging in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana | Addo-Fordjour, P; Ofosu-Bamfo, B; Kwofie, F; Akyea-Bobi, N; Rahman, FA; Amoah, E | 2020 | PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY | Climbing mechanisms; lianas; reproduction guilds; species composition; species diversity; treefall gaps |
Nested liana-tree network in three distinct neotropical vegetation formations | Caram Sfair J; Casarin Rochelle A; Alvez Rezende A; Van Melis J; De Lara Weiser V | 2010 | Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics | Bipartite graph Climber Matrix temperature Null model Phorophyte |
Seedling growth strategies in Bauhinia species: comparing lianas and trees | Cai Z-Q; Poorter L; Cao K-F; Bongers F | 2007 | Annals of Botany | Relative growth rate Biomass allocation Shade tolerance Liana Tree Photosynthesis Bauhinia |
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